Our main purpose is to respond to planning applications that have been submitted to Lewisham council and ensure they fall within the guidelines of what is and what isn’t allowed for Hatcham. Please note, we do not decide the guidelines – that’s down to Lewisham council.
We also strive to ensure residents maintain a good quality of life in the area.
The main purpose of the Hatcham conservation society is:
- To conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Hatcham Conservation area “an area of special architectural and historic interest which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. Section 69 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
- To conserve and enhance the characteristics of Hatcham Conservation area as described in the active Lewisham Conservation Area Character Appraisal dated 2006 and subsequent revisions. The residential streets are described as largely unspoilt with a strong group identity but still holding variety in detail revealing the individuality expressed by different builders.
- To monitor and respond to planning applications, ensuring they are consistent and in keeping with the conservation area and conservation law.
- To consult with Lewisham Council, Transport Authorities, Government Departments on planning and conservation issues.
- To increase awareness of the area’s history and character through occasional lectures, the dissemination of online information and the creation of printed material.
- To work as part of Lewisham’s Amenity Societies panel on planning issues.
- To cooperate with other local conservation societies and community groups.
We have updated the constitution slightly following 2023’s AGM, you can read the updated constitution below
Membership is free and open to all residents and others who formally support the purposes of the Hatcham conservation society. To become a member, please email contact@hatchamsociety.com